LightningStrike Studios is a professional communications firm dedicated to saving our clients time. We provide a comprehensive solution for your communications projects, delivering web design, writing, videos, and voiceovers.
We’re based in South-Western Ontario, Canada, but have worked with clients and sources across Canada, the United States, and Europe. Wherever you are, we can help.
Jules, our owner and principal, has an extensive technical background with education and experience in Information Technology, chemistry, electronics, and avionics. He was a Senior Network Analyst and IT Manager with John Deere Forestry supporting HP-UX, Linux, and Windows servers, Oracle databases, messaging, networks, web servers, and security systems. In that capacity he also delivered technical and technology writing and web development.
Suzanne studied chemistry and biology in college and has a background in the medical industry. She is an Honors graduate of an AHDI-approved Medical Transcription course and has 8+ years experience as a Medical Transcriptionist.
We both have experience with one-on-one teaching and public speaking. Together, we pride ourselves on our ability to convey complex subjects in a concise and comfortable manner.
From our home office just outside Toronto, we have worked with clients as far afield as Texas, California, and British Columbia, to Scotland, Austria, and Australia.